Thursday, August 20, 2015

Product Love

So  week ago a family friend posted to Facebook about  Renpure Solution's Rosemary Mint cleansing conditioner, this new hair product she bought and fell in love with. Cleansing Conditioner?  What the heck does that mean?  The definition on the bottle states "Cleansing Conditioner is a non-foaming cleansing system that replaces your shampoo and conditioner.  Most damage to hair occurs during shampooing.  The rubbing motion causes damaged areas to crack and tear. This unique cleansing system eliminates damage from the shampooing motion and harsh detergents, while preserving hairs natural oils and nutrients." 

After I saw her post, I decided to go out and buy some.  I picked up the 16 oz bottle at Target for $6.99 (It happens to be on sale this week for $6.29 I believe).  I have been using it since Sunday and I am now in love as well!  My hair is so soft and feels so clean!! 

Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Monday, January 5, 2015

One Little Word....

On New Years Day I saw a couple of my friends post to Facebook about their "One Little Word."  I thought it was a good idea so here goes!
My One Little Word for 2015 is FOCUS!  Focusing is sometimes hard for me, so I thought it would be a good thing for me to work on this year.  Here are some things I need to focus on (In no particular order):

-House work

In trying to FOCUS on these things, I decided to delete Facebook from my phone.  I spend WAY TOO MUCH time looking at Facebook when I should be doing other things.  Way.  Too.  Much.  I still have my Pages app so I can still post to my business page on Facebook, but no regular read all about what my friends and family are up to Facebook app on my phone.
I spend so much time trying to get my house clean (while on Facebook on my phone every 5 minutes), I don't spend enough time playing with my kids or reading to them (ugh... I sound awful!).  I want to make sure to do more of that starting this year.  Instead of sitting on my phone while watching a movie/tv with my husband, I want to actually watch the TV instead of asking "what just happened??" I want to get out of the house and do stuff with my family instead of just sitting around the TV.  Maybe do family game night every now and then. 

House work.  Yuck.  We all have it... We all hate it (at least everyone I know of).  I have been a stay at home mom now for a little over a year.  I thought my house would be spotless once I became one.  No dice.  Seems its worse now than it ever was.  Even though it seems all I ever do is clean, it's never done.  I want to start getting rid of stuff.  I think that is most of the problem, we have so much STUFF, there is no place to put it anymore.  I said it last year, but seriously, I am going to do it this year.  I WILL HAVE A GARAGE SALE! 

Business... well there are two of them to run in this house.  My oils, and my husband's excavating biz.  While I'm not technically an employee, I still do work for them here and there.  I will probably be doing more this year on the clerical side to help them get caught up.  As for my oils.  Ahhhh my oils.  I love my oils.  Doesn't seem like much work.  I share with my family and friends my personal experiences with them, and they sell themselves.  Yet I want to do more.  I've been a little lax about sharing my testimonies.  So I need to stay on top of that.  But I will talk more about that in another post :)

Faith - a few years ago Brandon and I decided it was time we find a church to start going to.  It took us a couple of months, but we found one we fell in love with, and started going (almost) every week.  about 8 months later, we became members.  A few months later, our lives changed significantly.  We had our son, I quit my job to become a SAHM and my husband quit his job to start a business with a buddy.  RJ was a difficult baby who kept me up night after night with very little sleep.  Brandon was working NON-STOP.  Well who am I kidding?  They are only excuses... lets just say life got in the way, and we haven't been quite so good about going to church every week.  I'd like to get back into that routine.  I miss it. 
Friends.... Well, these days, it seems I don't have many.  And that's ok with me, really.  The problem is, I don't see them often enough.  It seems, the older we get the more we talk about "oh, lets get together soon!" then we never end up making plans, or they fall through and we never reschedule.  As a SAHM, I am going crazy without regular adult interaction!  I want to make a point to see friends more often.  I'm not exactly sure what this means... other than I am going to make more of an effort to not be a hermit.

ME ME ME ME!  I don't do a whole lot for me anymore.  I guess the only "me time" I have is after the kids go to bed.  If my husband is home, then it's more of "us time".  If I accomplish everything above, it will be for me.  But I also want to READ more.  I think the last time I read (and completed) a book was before I had Haley (she is 6 now).  That is sad.  I love to read.  I just never take the time to do it anymore.  So I want to do that.  Spend less time watching TV and more time reading.  Getting back to "friends", if I get away from the house, even just once a month without the kids to hang out with a friend, I think that would make me happy.  I started up on the Bikini Body Mommy Challenge again today too!  YAHOO!  I've been on hiatus from working out since about mid September!  I started with the 1st challenge at the beginning of last January as well and LOVED it.  Loved it so much I did the 2.0 challenge and then started the replay of the 2.0 challenge in September but got sick with severe sinusitis and it put me out of commission for a good 2+months.  It took about 3 months to actually feel like I was pretty much over it.  Then it was almost Christmas and I pigged out on cookies and JUNK.  I gained like 8 lbs from Sept - now. So I am going to work on ME that way too. 

What is your One Little Word this year and why?